Monday, March 10, 2014

Answering the Big Questions

1. Organisms that we would see in the same environment today and are filling similar niches as in the Jurassic would include turtules, surgeons, and other aquatic species.

2. Other types of information that we could collect to help verify our reconstruction is analyzing the environment during this time period to understand what type of life could be sustained.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

All Together Now!

A Really Big Tree Born in the Jurassic

Araucria bidwillii also known as the “bunya pine” can grow up to heights ranging from 30-45m. This species appeared first in the Jurassic period. These trees are seed bearing that are dispersed through disintegration of cones which are help until optimal ecological conditions, which makes the germation cycles very random.

It's the Mini Palm Tree of the Jurassic

Encephalartos friderici-guilielmi also known as the “white-haired cycad” are known to grow on open grasslands or shrub lands along rocky ridges. This plan is seed bearing and terrestrial. This plant is also able to live well in many different environments growing rapidly up to heights of 4 m and has leaves that range from 100-150 cm.

Horses in the Jurassic!?!?!

Equisetam hyemale also known as "winter scouring rush" or "rush horsetail" is a non-flowing plant which typically grows 100-150 cm. Although this plant can grow in a wide range of soils, it is best to grow this living fossil in medium to wet soils somewhere that has access to full sun or part shade.

This was the Original Salad

Asplenium nidus also known as "nest fern" and has leaves that grow to 50-150 cm in length and 10-20 cm in width. Usually you can find this fern growning on other plants, most often trees, but they can also grow on the ground.  It collects water because of it’s circular leaf pattern that creates an organic bowl and it grows best in warm, humid areas in partial or shady areas.

It's Patrick!!! Where is Spongebob...

Sea Stars are also known as starfishes, they have fire arms and eat microalgae, sponges, snails, and other small sea creatures. Starfish have a diverse diet and are able to adapt to different environments. Starfish can have powerful toxins to protect them from predators such as crabs, sea otters, and sea gulls.